Project report: Buddy event of the Medical Technologies Master Program Year 21/22
There is nothing more perfect for starting your first semester in a master program in a new city than having a small gathering with other students in a bar. Also, having a contact person (buddy) that helps you out with organizational stuff at university, gives tips for classes and lectures or simply just recommends the best spot for various outdoor activities.
Therefore, we organized a chill meet and greet in the local bar “LaCopa-LaCabana”on Monday 11th of October and this year the third semester students had a special idea for the newbies to find their buddy partners. What makes breaking the ice more hilarious than talking about funny and sweet childhood pictures? Therefore, every freshman got multiple childhood pictures of their assigned buddy partners and had to identify the matching student of the third semester.
To make this process easier the ÖH MCI sponsored every participant of the event with three drink coupons.
Overall, the evening was a huge success and after a few minutes everybody was talking and laughing with their buddies about the pictures out of their childhood, university life and living in Innsbruck.