
Your reliable partner

Whether you simply need personal advice, support with an initiative, or are looking for assistance with other issues – we are your go-to contact.


Studying should be a time during which one should concentrate only on studying. Nevertheless, there are always stumbling blocks in the way. Sometimes you have problems with the university, with landlords, or with employers. Sometimes there are also social difficulties. To make your everyday life easier during your studies, we offer various forms of counseling for precisely these problems.

Counseling for labour law
Counseling for tenancy law
Social Counseling
Counseling for study law

Services for Students

We are here to provide not only counselling and financial support for our students, but also a variety of services to make studying and living at our university easier.

As part of our commitment to an inclusive and supportive study environment, we are pleased to offer free access to period products in the women’s toilets at MCI. We firmly believe that access to these basic necessities should not be a barrier.

In addition, we promote environmentally conscious mobility and offer our students free use of IVB city bikes in Innsbruck. In doing so, we not only want to make a contribution to reducing the individual CO2 footprint, but also provide access to a practical and sustainable transport option.

City Bikes
Free Period Products


Sometimes everyone needs support. We offer our students a wide variety of options for financial support. On the one hand, team events of year or study programs are financed by regular projects. On the other hand, larger events and initiatives are also supported with the help of special projects. For social hardship cases there is also the social fund, which covers a wide range of topics from child care to psychotherapy. Finally, there is the mobility fund, which supports students over the age of 26 in Tyrol with the payment of public transport tickets.

Project support
Special project support
Fund for social issues
Fund for public transport


Kostenlos, aber nie umsonst! Damit deine wissenschaftliche Arbeit nicht zur Stolperfalle deiner künftigen Karriere wird, nutze den ÖH-MCI-Plagiatscheck. Stay safe and act correct!

Services der Bundes ÖH

Noch mehr Service-Angebote erhältst du über die ÖH-Bundesvertretung: Ob passende Formulare, die ÖH-Helpline, der Sozialfond oder andere Fördertöpfe – auch die Bundes-ÖH steht dir im Studienalltag immer zur Seite.

Bundes ÖH

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