Box run

project report: Kastenlauf - MCiT (JG21/22)

On Sunday, 24.04.2022 our project with the title Kastenlauf took place...

On Sunday, 24.04.2022 our project with the title Kastenlauf took place. Unfortunately, some participants had to cancel spontaneously, but nevertheless the planned event could take place with a total of 10 participants.

At the beginning, the groups were quickly formed and team names were assigned. Therry’s drinkers and Zipferslieblinge were chosen and got ready at the starting line. The start was in mixed weather conditions, at the Inn at the height of the market hall, from there the competitors had to sprint up to the Judenbühl playground.

A few spectators also came to cheer on the teams. The goal of the game was to arrive there with all the drunk crate. It turned out that Zipferslieblinge won the race, but all participants were winners of the team spirit. Afterwards, the whole thing was celebrated in an honorable way – everyone was rewarded with pizza and cool drinks, and other fellow students came together to celebrate the success.

In conclusion, it was a great success and the group dynamic was increased.



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