
Special project support

The fund for special projects of the öh mci serves to support projects of MCI students, which cannot be financed from other funds. These projects have to deal with issues that are relevant for students or are mainly supported by students. Special projects are projects that address one of the following target groups:

  • At least one or more departments of the MCI
  • all MCI students
  • the entire student body in Innsbruck, Tyrol or Austria.

It is not possible to finance projects and actions already carried out at the time of application (according to the entry stamp).The project to be funded may only be in the planning phase at this time. Special project funding can only be applied for for the entire project and is only granted for specific project areas. Funded project areas must have clearly billable expenses. The student union at the MCI Management Center Innsbruck is to be listed as a supporter on all publications related to the funding of a special project (brochures, event information, etc.). This can be done with the addition of “sponsored project of öh mci”, as well as the attachment of the logo of öh mci. For more information on funding, please refer to the special projects funding guidelines. Applications must be sent to using the form and all the supplements specified in the guideline.

Sonderprojektanträge senden an

Wir melden uns dann bei euch!


Sometimes everyone needs support. We offer our students a wide variety of options regarding financial aid. On the one hand, regular projects finance team events of year- or study programs. On the other hand, special projects finance more significant events and initiatives. There is also the social fund for social hardship cases, which covers a wide range of topics from child care to psychotherapy. Finally, there is also the mobility fund, which supports students over the age of 26 in Tyrol with the payment of public transport tickets.

Project support
Special projects
Funding pots
Mobility promotion

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