Degree in Tourism & Leisure Management

Project Report: Graduation at "Sixty Twenty" & "Pizza" - Tourism & Leisure Economist. (BA) YEAR 18

The graduation ceremony of the Year 18 students in the Business Management in Tourism and Leisure Economy programme was a great success...

The graduation ceremony of the Year 18 students in the Business Management in Tourism and Leisure Economy programme was a great success.

After the exams on 6 and 7 July 2021, the students of the year met in front of the MCI Tourism and marched together to the Innsbruck city centre. There we had already rented the premises of Bar 6020 in advance and the ordered drink coupons were ready. Due to the heavy rain, we were all inside the bar, which had a great effect on the atmosphere, as everyone stayed together.

Almost all examinees enjoyed the long awaited relaxed atmosphere among the colleagues, all of whom were able to show their green passports without any problems.


Around 7:30 p.m., the pizza ordered from Pizza Call was delivered. All the usual pizza classics were ordered and delivered, and there was also something for vegetarians and his-tamine intolerant colleagues. Everyone could enjoy about half a pizza and order a second drink.

After the meal, the table football table was glowing and the conversations deepened until finally the group split up, one half stayed and the other half moved on.


On behalf of the entire year group, I would like to thank the ÖH MCI for their generous support of our project. Because of the COVID situation, our year had to get along separately and online for over a year. This event was more than just a graduation, because it was also a chance to refresh relationships for the future after graduation.


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