
Complete transparency

As the student union öh mci, it is important for us to inform our students about our activities and financial expenditures. For this reason, we will now disclose our expenses categorized by semester.

Ausgaben ÖH MCI im WS23/24



This category includes all expenses related to the functional fees of departments and other supporters of the student union ÖH MCI. The ÖH MCI consists of a chairman, two deputies, 11 department representatives, two administrative officers, and four council members. The disbursed functional fees all fall below the legally prescribed maximum amounts. No separate functional fee is paid to the nine representatives.

Under office expenses, all costs incurred for the operation and maintenance of the ÖH MCI office are included. This includes office supplies, office equipment, refreshments, and other expenditures.

This category includes all costs associated with the management of financial data and reports. This encompasses expenses for external accounting services, as well as the annual financial audit and payroll processing.

This category includes all expenses for the organization, planning, and execution of events for students. This partially encompasses projects of individual study programs as well as overarching initiatives by students. Events & project proposals billed through the STV budget fall under “Material Expenses”.

This category includes all expenses incurred under sponsorship agreements. The ÖH MCI provides financial support for events and organizations to offer benefits to students.

This category includes all expenses aimed at promoting the mental health and addressing the financial difficulties of students, as well as taking on social responsibility. This encompasses funding for psychological support, research grants, and other social initiatives.

This category includes all costs related to information technology infrastructure and the website. This encompasses software licenses, the technical implementation of plagiarism checks, IT support, website development, hosting, domain fees, security solutions, databases, and other technological expenditures.

Under material expenses, the STV budgets and all costs for tangible goods are counted. Project proposals submitted to the ÖH MCI and billed through the STV budgets fall under this category. Additionally, material expenses range from supplies for events, our ÖH tent, to sports equipment and balls that you can borrow from us.

This category includes all expenses related to media presence and goodies provided by the ÖH MCI. This encompasses flyer creation, posters, digital marketing, content creation, and goodies that the ÖH MCI offers to students, as well as other marketing activities.

The graphic displayed on this page includes almost all expenses of the ÖH MCI for the respective semester. Only the salary of our employee has not been listed due to confidentiality reasons.

Activity Report of the Chairman of the ÖH MCI
  • Report of the Chairman - March 2024Download

You have specific questions about our expenses? Please contact us at For inquiries regarding the Activity Report of the Chairman, please reach out to We will do our best to answer your request as soon as possible. Current session protocols can be downloaded as usual under Downloads.

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