Go-kart final project

Project report: Go-kart project - Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering (MA) JG 19

This year, as part of the end of the semester, the Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering Master's programme took the opportunity to hit the go-kart track, followed by a few drinks, in order to make up for the missed ...

This year, as part of the end of the semester, the Environmental, Process and Energy Engineering Master’s programme  took the opportunity to hit the go-kart track, followed by a few drinks, in order to make up for the missed convivial days at the MCI. For this purpose, ten students plus another three supporters met on 30.06.2021 at the B1 go-kart track in Innsbruck. Due to the high number of participants, the whole track was at our disposal, which added to the fun. The plan was for everyone to drive for 20 minutes on the track, trying to beat the best lap time. But already after the first lap you could see the fun and the grins of the fellow students under their helmets and everyone already knew that the 20 min was not enough. That’s why we decided to use the 20 minutes as qualifying and to divide the starting places according to the best lap time. After qualifying, Metzgo was only 43 hundredths ahead of Pasci with a lap time of 36.104 seconds, closely followed by Guadl. Just behind them, Welky, Schulu, Janni, Domi and Fuchsi fought it out for 4th to 8th place. Johannes, Fuba, Mani, Michi and Lari brought up the rear. After everyone had taken up their starting position, they all started at the same time after the countdown. Everyone tried  to overtake their opponents and to get to the top in just under 40 minutes. Driven by ambition and the fame expected by the winner, there were one or two “unintentional” collisions.  In the end, of course, only one person can stand at the top of the podium, and Pasci did. He won by only 4 seconds ahead of Metzgo and 8 seconds ahead of Guadl and can now enjoy the recognition of all of us. In places 4 to 8, only Fuchsi was able to fight his way up one place. Michi fought his way up from 12th to 9th place, closely followed by Mani. The rear light was provided by Fuba, Johannes and Lari.

Despite some bruises and headaches the next day, the evening was a lot of fun.


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